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Video Playlist whatsappEquity & Index investors, F&O traders and researcher
No, as of now you can't place any direct trades from i4option platform.
As of now NSE data is provided which cover index, Equity and Future & Options segment
Yes, data is live where stated. Data latency is less than mili seconds. Some features are designed for time interval & EOD update, those segment updates accordingly.
No, i4option platform works on cloud applications, You only need web browser to access applications. Mobile application may be need to download for mobile device.
For window: window 10 or higher with avilable 4 GB RAM and internet bandwidth 10 MBPS +.
yes, we can provide live data to excel from website.
It is done at real time, but some time it may be delay upto 1 min due to payment confirmation from payment gateway
Please check and confirm with your payment bank, any failed transaction will automatically refunded to your bank in 3 working days. If not get then can contact support team
yes, techinal support is provided over whatsapp & chat message.No tips and stocks recommendation are provided.
No, all platform are avilable for free trial, so take free trial then can go for paid subscription as per your need.
You can learn about options trading with premium course absolutely free, below link Option Learning Series